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3.2.1 Roll — 儿童成长骑行玩具套系
3.2.1 Roll 儿童成长骑行玩具套系 Children's growth ride-on toy set . 2023 Design by Husky Rice Mak/Jean Lee 现今,儿童骑行玩具种类繁多,每个成长阶段都有适合的骑行玩具供选择。家长们越来越注重选购骑行玩具的重要性,因为这不仅有助于儿童身体各个方面的发育,更能在儿童成长过程中提供身心上的全面支持。 Nowadays, there is a wide variety of cycling toys for children, with options suitable for each stage of their development. Parents are increasingly aware of the importance of choosing the right cycling toys, as they not only contribute to the physical development of children but also provide comprehensive support for their overall well-being during their growth journey. 然而,虽然现有的儿童骑行玩具提供的选择众多, 但同类玩具之间的功能却存在重合的情况,使用阶段也常常给人们造成困惑和不确定性。这些问题大大增加了正确选购玩具的难度。 However, despite the wide range of options available for children's cycling toys, there is often overlap in functionality among similar toys, leading to confusion and uncertainty about which stage they are suitable for. These issues greatly increase the difficulty of making the right choice when purchasing toys.
近来,一些集成了多种功能的儿童车也开始出现在市场上。然而,由于它们难以精准地满足每一种车型的正确人机尺寸,这些多功能车型的使用也极具难度甚至难以达到协助儿童成长的效果。 Recently, some children's bikes with multiple functions have also appeared in the market. However, due to the challenges in accurately fitting the human-machine dimensions for each type of bike, the use of these multi-functional bikes is extremely difficult and may even fail to achieve the desired effect of assisting children in their growth.
为了应对这些问题,我们开发了一套名为Roll的童车套系,该系列能够完整地满足儿童幼年时期的成长需求,减少家长选择的困难,并以一个相对较低的成本实现。 To address these issues, we have developed a series of children's bike sets called "Roll" that can fully meet the growth needs of children in their early years. These sets aim to reduce the difficulties faced by parents when choosing bikes for their children, and they are designed to be cost-effective.
为了有效降低Roll套系童车的生产成本,我们采用了最为简单的管材车架和塑料辅助件制作方式,以最简约的设计实现了产品的核心功能,杜绝不必要的装饰元素。在设计过程中,我们统一了整套童车的造型元素,以达到整体美观统一的效果。 In order to effectively reduce the production cost of the Roll children's bike set, we have adopted the simplest tube frame and plastic accessories manufacturing method. Through minimalistic design, we have achieved the core functionality of the product while eliminating unnecessary decorative elements. In the design process, we have standardized the aesthetic elements of the entire bike set to achieve a cohesive and visually appealing overall effect.
Rolling-1 幼儿学步车 / Age 1-3 孩子1岁开始学习行走,通过幼儿学步车,孩子可以锻炼他们的平衡能力。平衡是孩子学习行走和跑步的基础。使用学步车需要孩子同时控制腿部的步伐和身体的平衡,这有助于提升他们的协调性和动作控制能力。 Children start learning to walk at the age of one. Through the use of a toddler walker, children can exercise their balance skills. Balance is the foundation for children to learn to walk and run. Using a toddler walker requires children to simultaneously control their leg movements and body balance, which helps improve their coordination and motor control abilities.
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